Friday, June 11, 2010

Super Mystery #2: Baby-sitters Beware

This book is insane. There are like five different mysteries going on, and none of them really make all that much sense, and one of them ends with Mary Anne and Logan being like "hmm, I don't know, maybe it was a Cokie prank!" That's the resolution, seriously. This thing was hard to get through, and there wasn't even much fashion to compensate for the weak writing.

At least there was a hilarious cover pic. Pay attention, Andrew!

". . . for this early December meeting when most of us were in jeans and sweaters, Stacey (who is tall and on the thin side, with blonde hair and pale blue eyes) wore black leggings with cowboy boots, an oversized turtleneck sweater, and this cool black suede vest with pearl buttons. Claudia (who is Japanese-American with creamy, perfect skin, brown eyes, and long, straight black hair) was wearing leggings, too - purple ones - with black Doc Martens*, red slouch socks, black bicycle shorts over the leggings, a big t-shirt with the words "This Might Be Art" scrawled on it in purple (I knew she'd made it herself), and an old black suit jacket of her father's, with the sleeves rolled up. Stacey had gone for your basic gold earrings. Claudia's earrings were purple feathers (she made those herself, too)."

I would love a "This Might Be Art" t-shirt. I'd totally rock that outfit. From the waist up. I don't think I can get down with the leggings and bicycle shorts. I'll stick with my jeans.

Later, Stacey and Claudia take Mary Anne shopping for a big date with Logan. The outfit they come up with is not as exciting as the famous cities skirt outfit. There can only be one, folks.

"By the time we'd finished shopping, I added not a blue shirt but a very thin, lace-edged sweater to my wardrobe. I was going to wear it with a skirt, and one of Stacey's belts. I also bought new, patterned stockings, and Claudia promised to lend me a pair of earrings 'that would be awesome.'"

But what about the SHOES?!

* I think she means Dock Martins.


scientician said...

pretty sure that they are still called Doc Martens

and the classic song:

Lis said...

I may or may not have made a shirt just like that after reading the description of Claudia's...

Dork Reporter said...

I wonder if Claudia would hate American Apparel because they would ban some of her favorite shoes/boots (and butcher the spelling)?

I guess probably not, though. She'd be a sucker for half their stuff. And she's a pretty shitty speller.

sharg said...

I wonder if she spelled "This might be art" correctly... hmm...

amy kelinda said...

Hahaha, I wonder what Andrew is looking at? I remember loving the BSC mystery books -- I should pick one up again and see what I think! I still remember the one where someone is house sitting for someone else (my memory doesn't hold up, obviously) while at the same time someone else is actually ALSO living in the house. Did you follow that?

Laura @ Hungry and Frozen said...

After the first Super Mystery's epic outfit descriptions, this is a bit of a disappointment. I do love the sound of Claudia's outfit though, maybe minus the bicycle shorts...two pairs of trousers would surely be bunchy...

nikki said...

All the mysteries are ridic.

Ashley said...

I REMEMBER this shirt. And I still want it now much as I did when I was ten....what's wrong with me??

xoxo, Ashley

Beth Dunn said...

Shopping is always fun!

Jill said...

oh my god. the infamous famous cities skirt.

ElisaCe慈佐lestin0708 said...

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