Thursday, July 08, 2010

Starring Dakota Fanning as Stacey McGill

I just realized I haven't updated in almost a month. I did tell you guys I was moving, right? Shit, I don't think I did. I'm still in the immediate aftermath, which means I'm spending most of my time running around in my nightgown trying to get the house to look like "the place I live" and not "the place where I store my awesome collection of cardboard boxes." Also sometimes I take breaks for martinis and/or mexican food. But mostly it's house stuff.

Until things are a little more settled, I submit for your consideration a picture of Dakota Fanning at some sort of BSC fan convention. I guess she came dressed as Stacey McGill (so New York!). That's cool.
So . . . is she wearing all 188 accessory ideas in this picture? There is a lot going on here.


sf信dg豪d王d佳d玲gdw謝 said...


living well said...

I've been in my apartment for almost a month and a half and it's still "the place I store my cardboard boxes." :( Good luck unpacking and stuff! BTW, I love your blog!!

Lexie, Little Boat said...

i just cant get over the I'M NOT A LITTLE GIRL ANYMORE headline. come on, MC, we can do better than that.

~J-ME~ said...

uggg I hate that stage of moving. I've finally upgraded from an apartment to a house back in march and most of my stuff is still in boxes.

2sday said...

Congrats on the new place!

Her name was Lola said...

JUST found your blog: TOTALLY obsessed. Growing up, I never missed a BSC book (my favorite was Dawn!) + this blog is such an AWESOME throwback. Cheers.

與發 said...


懿綺懿綺 said...
